The Post With Some Inane Babbling and Proof That Macbook Cameras Suck

Have you ever acquired something that is a relatively useful item to a large part of the population but that you, personally, have little use for… and, as the years pass, instead of just chucking it out (seeing as you never use it and it’s just cluttering up your home and is one more goddamn thing you have to pack whenever you move), you hold onto it?

“Oh, but it might be useful someday. I can’t toss this out- I’ll totally need this combination coffee pot/deep fryer in the future!”

And you say this to yourself again and again, and you shunt it off to the back of a cupboard where it collects dust and is never used.

Yeah… so I have this round hairbrush that I have owned for the better part of my life. You know the type (…looking at this just flashed me back to the sex toy post I did a few days ago). And I have never used it. I think I received it as an ill-conceived gift from a relative because all normal girls own tons of haircare implements and spend an hour in front of the mirror in the morning to make themselves look passably mediocre.

But we all know that that’s not really my thing, so… unused hairbrush.

And yet, I’ve never thrown this stupid thing out. I’ve packed it out to Michigan and back. Hell, I haven’t even used a regular hairbrush in 2 or 3 years. Why would I need this twirly one that would require a blow dryer (which I gave away, much like my curling iron… okay, the latter wasn’t so much given away as sneakily appropriated by the Players costuming department, but I didn’t put up much of a fuss about it, so I suppose that’s close enough)?

I found a use for it, galleons.

For the love of Feynman, get your minds out of the gutter (that shit is all pokey and not suited at all for such things, even if it is cylindrical in shape and roughly the right size).

I mean that I actually used it on my hair this morning. And it makes my hair do this:

So, with a minimum of product and a few quick twirls of that brush, I can manage to get an awesome, flippy hairstyle that actually lasts all day. Seems I was smart to save the dumb thing after all.

Though, if you really are packing around a combination coffee pot/deep fryer, I suggest that you just throw that thing out.

Also, I’m really glad it’s summer (even though it’s still kind of cold here and still spits snow on occasion), because now I can run a fan by my bed at night without people thinking I’m a total freak.

What? I like the white noise.

Ugly Americans is on Comedy Central right now (two hours after someone was telling me about it, but whatever), and there’s a parody of Criss Angel on there. And Criss Angel just reminds me of Ainsley and I crashing Stauff and Nick’s room freshman year and watching a marathon of Mindfreak while writing our 12-page movie/play journals for our ROIAL class.

Later that night, I had moved out to the Abbot lobby to finish up. Nick and I were working together, and we went to grab coffee at around 7 a.m. Only to discover that Nick had forgotten to save his paper and lost everything. Which was followed by me seeing Nick in one of his terrifying rages, during which he smashed his coffee cup with his fist.

Moral of the story: Don’t drink coffee.


This is the direct result of being tagged in yet another poetry note on Facebook. I didn’t read his poem, but I did finish my own (the first stanza has existed for the better part of a week now). So, I guess that’s something.


Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. ~Albert Einstein

I want to run my hands over those concave and obtuse angles
Trace the line of your thigh with a finger
Work the math of your body with my palms
Whisper the algorithms of passion into that tender conch curve

A vow made in darkness lasts one hundred years
But time melts through my fingers as you speed away from me
So I paint a portrait of you in the leavings of time

I could capture the universe in acrylic
But nothing seems to hold the memory of your smile

I have become a study in aging adolescent apathy
Surrounding myself with people, lining them up in fields and fans
And pushing them away with my electromagnetic bipolarism
Before the bonds between us become too strong

When your voice (so persistent in my mind)
Quiets for the night
I sleep
Dreaming of your mouth
Your hands
The soft weave of your t-shirt
And when I wake up
I find that I am hugging a pillow to my chest
Trying to shove it under my skin
And I let it go
My fingers aching from the strain

The roads of communication run both ways, and I’m tired of traveling
But the faster I drive away from you, the closer I seem to get
Your gravity pulling me down to the singularity of desire
So I throw my clocks out the window, into the night
And I bend my rusty voice around the fabric of a new vow

So that, one day, I might feast my eyes on your gentle algebra
Run my mouth along the sine curve of your lips
Solve the problems on your shoulders with my teeth
And prove the limits of my adoration with a sigh