“Luv Deluxe” Cinnamon Chasers

Want to see a music video that, in my mind, is pretty much perfect? Behold:

I know stuff like Lady GaGa’s latest (the Telephone video… a video which caused a lot of fan squee that I think was unwarranted- it wasn’t that great) is a lot of flash and dazzle. Sure, it’s fun to watch, but it’s not really special. This video, on the other hand, is.

I think a lot of it is that I enjoy the concept of someone being pure poison for you, no matter what you do. There’s a sick satisfaction in knowing your life spiraled out of control because of someone else, I believe. Released of the weight of guilt for everything that goes wrong, you can experience the singular joy of all the pleasures you encounter. At the same time, were you to hold yourself back from such hedonism of the spirit, you wouldn’t fall from grace, as it were. And therein lies the rub. To limit one’s pleasure dilutes the experience of living, but too much corrupts it.

Just something to muse over while listening to cute and repetitive indie electronica.

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